Better Search for Atlassian powered by machine learning.

What good is accumulating all the knowledge in your organization if you can't find the right information when you need it? We can help.

Question Answering

Simply ask the question that you have in mind instead of trying to figure out the right sequence of keywords for a search engine. Sometimes, one question might not give us all the answer we’re looking for. And the other times we might not know the right terminology to describe our intent. We use the wisdom of the crowd to find some related questions to help you out.

Image Search

If don't have the time to type out a thousand words to describe a picture, upload them instead. We’ll look it up for you. We extract text from images and label entities that are present in an image and make them searchable.

Federated Search

Break down silos and search across multiple jira and confluence instances regardless of where you are.

Permissions & Restrictions

Our access control system respects Confluence’s Permissions and Restrictions to ensure all search results only show up for the intended eyes only.

All that and much more!

Custom stopwords and synonyms

Every industry has their own distinct intricate terminologies. We automatically extract abbreviations and allow custom stopwords synonyms, so you don't have to tone it down for us.


We complete your sentences when you’re searching. Not quite the significant other that you dream of, but close.

Spell checking and typo tolerance

Accidentally made a typo? We get you what you meant. Usually.


With the help of webhooks we keep our indexes up to date in real time.

Don't take our word for it, try it yourself!

Install on Confluence Install on Jira

Couple of tips:

  • Once you install the add-on the crawler will run in the background to scrape the contents, search results might not be accurate until this process completes.
  • Search question expressed in natural language ("Why is the sky blue?") to trigger our Question Answering system
  • Create frequently asked questions pages with "FAQ" in their title to trigger People Also Ask system
  • Clear your cache in the Search Settings page if you made permission changes, as building an ACL currently takes couple hundred calls to Atlassian

Our machine learning models run on preemptible GPUs and scales down to zero instances when not actively in use to reduce cost. As such, some services might experience sporadic degradation.

Search on.